Information Massage Blog Wellness Ideas

Gazing at Fractals for Stress Relief


There is nothing demanding about looking at a fractal.

Fractals are patterns found in nature, such as the petals of a flower, a spiderweb or a snowflake. Even your body is full of fractals! Consider your veins, nerves, lungs….all fractals. Patterns are the spectacular building blocks all around us, within us and outside of us.

Stare at the swirling pattern of a succulent for a calming effect

Guess what? Taking time to gaze at fractal-rich patterns almost instantaneously reduces stress and produces relaxation.

Flowers are not just pretty and pleasingly fragrant. By taking a moment to gaze at the beautifully repeated petal pattern you’ll begin to feel tension melting away

Think about the lovely sense of calm you experience after staring up at the clouds, watching the ocean waves roll one after another or looking at the branches of a tree sway in the breeze. You can thank the fractals. The repeating patterns found throughout nature in trees, clouds, plants, flowers, rivers and coastlines are simply stress reducing magic 💫.

Before you blow away the dandelion fluff with a wish be sure to take some time to look at its relaxation inducing pattern
Look upwards for a calming treat from the artistically patterned branches of a tree
Vegetables can benefit us in many ways, but who knew that taking a minute to look at the swirling pattern of Romanesco broccoli can help soothe anxiety!

Fractals images can be found in artwork, sculptures and architecture.

Fractal style artwork

Just sit back and enjoy these stress reducing videos. 💛
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Song Credit: “Breathe (2 AM)” by Anna Nalick
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